Pesquisa:Inquérito crack Brasil/General data sources
IBGE Census 2010
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- based on the timetable here
it looks like the microdata from the census will be available in April of 2012
IBGE Cidades@
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- seems to have some meta-information about the address file!
- potential known popn: people over age 15 who do not know how to read and write?
it is a little big, but we have it broken down by broad age group and color
INEP School Census
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- data on students, classes, teachers, and schools
- microdata codebook has information on age, sex, and color (but I haven't looked at how complete this is in the actual dataset)
IBGE Civil Registration
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- it looks like info from this source is also provided in the Cidades@ database
- I'm not sure how complete these are, eg what fraction of events (like births)
actually make it into the registration system, and also whether or not there is a lag (eg births from 2010 keep getting registered for the next couple of years, so the number for 2010 is initially incomplete)
IBGE Profile of Municipalities 2009
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- covers highlights the main aspects of the management and structure of municipalities
from the following areas: management structure, culture, sports, housing, transport, health, safety, gender policy; environment, and human rights
IBGE, miscellaneous surveys
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Ministry of Social Development (MDS)
[editar | editar código-fonte]- it looks like they may have administrative records from various government programs
Ministry of Work and Employment (MTE) - CAGED
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[ See CAGED link on the left ]
- looks like they have estimates of the number of employees by sector / occupation in each municipality. however, i can't tell if they have totals anywhere, or just the number who were added and who left for each month (?)
- CAGED: Registry of employed and unemployed people
- for second link above, can get info about job category according to CBO classification:
by typing the category number into the Ordencaso / Occupacoes field
- NB: looks like there's some info from CBO here
but for some of the data, I need to register for an account, which requires a CPF number
PNAD (National HH Survey)
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