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Paraty Sustentável

Fonte: Wikiversidade

Sonhos, ideias, inovação, comunidade, qualidade de vida, saúde, sustentabilidade, resiliencia, e mais...
Vamos documentar colaborativamente o que a gente for pesquisando, imaginando, fazendo, etc. (español, português, inglês...)

Beddington Corner, The BedZED estate - - 415459

Algunas inspiraciones:

Findhorn wind turbines
Sosol ipec

The 10 One Planet Principles

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The One Planet Communities programme uses 10 guiding principles as a framework to help our partners examine the sustainability challenges they face and develop appropriate solutions.

These principles were developed as a result of lessons learned from BioRegional’s work at the pioneering BedZED eco-village in South London.

By applying the princples at the design, construction and long-term management stages of a development we should be able to create places where it is easy, attractive and affordable for people to live within a fair share of our planet’s resources.

Making buildings more energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies.

Reducing waste, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill.

Sustainable transport

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Encouraging low carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions, reducing the need to travel.

Sustainable materials

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Using sustainable healthy products, with low embodied energy, sourced locally, made from renewable or waste resources.

Local and sustainable food

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Choosing low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste.

Sustainable water

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Using water more efficiently in buildings and in the products we buy; tackling local flooding and water course pollution.

Land use and wildlife

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Protecting and restoring biodiversity and natural habitats through appropriate land use and integration into the built environment.

Culture and heritage

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Reviving local identity and wisdom; supporting and participating in the arts.

Equity and local economy

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Creating bioregional economies that support fair employment, inclusive communities and international fair trade.

Health and happiness

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Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well being.