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Pesquisa:Inquérito crack Brasil/Contact Sheet and Roster

Fonte: Wikiversidade





Contact Sheet

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The contact sheet helps to track the status of each sampled household. It keeps track of which interviewers visited the household at what times, and the outcome of each interview. This information is essential for computing quantities like the response rate. Because the formatting of the contact sheets this draft is modeled on won't work as a wiki, the document is a publicly viewable google doc located here.

Household Roster

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The household roster is an enumeration of the members of the household that is the first item completed once an interviewer locates a sampled household. This is the first step in selecting an individual member of the household to interview. We may also be able to use information from the household roster, like the age-sex distribution of household members, to check the similarity of our sample to the households in the city (based on the Census). Because the formatting of the household rosters this draft is modeled on won't work as a wiki, the document is a publicly viewable google doc located here.